Sarcastic spot

Sarcastic spot

vineri, 31 mai 2013

Didi made my day

Azi, in timp ce se uita la tv, mama a nimerit pe un program de teleshopping. Si ironia sortii, era o reclama la un dispozitiv de alungat daunatorii (soareci, gandaci, tantari, etc.). Evident ca in secunda urmatoare i-am trimis mesaj lu Didi:

"Pest Reject-Gandacii pleaca singuri!!1!! Suna acu si comanda!1!!1 Si primesti 2."

And Didi's answer:
"Pleaca de la altii si vin la mn? Ce naiba e ala? Se ce 2 primesc, 2 gandaci in loc de 1?"

Da, normal ca tot ce-i trimisesem eu era afara din context si nu avea cum sa se prinda la ce ma refer. Doar ca atunci cand am citit mesajul am ras vreo 5 minute incontinuu de mi-au dat lacrimile. Mi-o si imaginam pe Didi ce mutra a facut cand a vazut mesajul. Iar partea cu " 2 gandaci in loc de unul" a fost geniala daca stai sa te gandesti ca eu ma refeream la un dispozitiv anti-gandaci iar prin capul meu trecea " 2 gandaci la pret de 1".
Aaaand as I'm writing this, I'm still grinning like an idiot.

PS: Populatie gandaci apartament Didi: 15.  


Un comentariu:

  1. woman, i sprayed every single hole of every single spot of every single *sight* corner of every single room *feeling something climbing my leg, trying to see it quickly, inevitably headbanging the desk, there is nothing, and hopefully there will never be a bug on my foot never-ever!!* in the hole apartment, and they are still fu.... coming!!! Maybe some neighbor bought a pest-reject thinghy and they are migrating towards me T.T am i doomed?
    and it is pretty annoying when, in the morning, you are heading towards the bathroom for obvious reasons and you see one shinny b*tchy fufu bug on the hallway!!
